How to make money on YouTube without making videos

Written by on October 27, 2021


For many of us, It is hard to produce regularly Youtube content for our channel. That could be for many reasons like time, equipment, or skills. But what if I told you that you could start monetizing a channel within a month without making videos. Here is a guide that you can start implementing today.

If you want to become a youtube channel owner without producing videos. Then the only way to make money from YouTube without producing videos of your own is to re-use other creators’ Videos with a Creative Commons License.

YouTube has a library of videos that fall under the Creative Commons license. This license lets you publish other people’s content on your channel and earn money from it without getting a youtube copyright strike. If you find a video with the CC-BY license, you can use and tailor it to your liking.


Steps to make money on YouTube without making videos

1- Find your niche:

Identify the type of videos that you watch the most on Youtube. For me, for example, I watch a lot of compilations, pranks, or top 10 videos. Why is that relevant? Because here you are going to find your gold mine. Most of the channels we´re watching are not using their own content. These channels go and find videos to reupload them in order to make money. They monetize their channels by using ads and affiliate marketing. It is totally legal and falls under fair use. One example is a channel that I watch a lot: Goalcast which regroups motivational speeches from inspiring people in different formats. Utilize your passions in order to increase the quality of your content.

2- Create your channel:

Create a new channel on your Youtube profile. Now, you need to brand to be suitable for your niche and make it seem professional. Proceed to create a logo, a profile picture, and a banner. Then fill out your bio sections with a couple of keywords that have a high volume of research. You can use Ubersuggest or Keywords Everywhere to check out the stats. This will ensure that your channel will not be considered a robot or banned from the platform. Now that your channel is set it should look something like this

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3- Monetize your channel:


Now let´s pass to your content. Go to Youtube search type keywords within your niche than in the filter section tick creative commons and sort by count view. Creative commons is a feature that indicates that you can use the content in the video as long as you do some edits without being Copywrite. After you find the content that you are going to use, make the modifications required and create a video of your own: compilation, ranking, controversy, pranks, and challenges tend to work really well on the platform. When you finish the editing, add a thumbnail and use the keywords that you initially used for your research.

To achieve fast results, upload daily one to seven times a month. You should be able to monetize your channel fast following this model.


4- Optimize your videos:

To be sure that you will set your videos for success, you need to understand what brings you money on Youtube and it´s based on your click-through rate and your watch time. So I´ll leave you with my final tips on how to optimize your videos:

  • Create attractive titles
  • Design thumbnails every time
  • Edit your videos
  • Storytell
  • List your videos under a common license
  • Be consistent

This method is also called curation and it´s the same concept as in-house publication of medium.



If you are going to try this method, drop a comment on the type of channel you are going to set up or your progress, for more guides.


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