About Us


Owelle FM 99.5 is a private Radio Station owned and operated by Owelle Media Limited. The Station was granted a license to operate as FM Radio in February 2019. The transmission would cover 24/7 duration through a 2 Watt FM transmitter.

Over the coming years, Owelle FM would strengthen its institutional capacity considerably and diversify itself in terms of program format, technical efficiency, and coverage.

Owelle FM would air programs on FM frequencies. Regular broadcasts cover 24 hours every day, all in Igbo language, the indigenous language of Ndigbo of the South East Nigeria. Owelle FM is the first wholly Igbo language FM-Channel covering the entire South Eastern region and adjoining states and would officially start operations in July 2020 from its premises located at Owelle FM Complex, Owelli-Ogbaku Road, Oye Owelle Square, Owelli, Awgu Local Government, Enugu State.

Being the first radio station to wholly broadcast in Igbo language has huge historical importance and responsibility to the Ndigbo nation. .Its programs would be used to create awareness to Ndigbo and encourage them to support nation-building.



Ndigbo as a developing unit with several and uniquely geographical, economic as well as political challenges; Radio has greater importance. Where there is a preponderance of an illiterate population, radio becomes the suitable medium of communication and dissemination of information. Owelle FM aims to serve as the agent of change for Ndigbo and aid their development and awareness.



These are the objectives of Owelle FM:-

  1. To provide quality and credible news, information, and entertainment;
  2. To promote Igbo language, music, and culture;
  • To provide alternative platforms to showcase hidden talents of Ndigbo;
  1. To provide Ndigbo with information on new inventions and happenings around the world and keep them updated about what is happening around the world and encourage them to be alert to take advantage for the development of the region and the country;
  2. To provide advertisers the best medium for advertising;
  3. To institutionalize Igbo language Radio Journalism in Nigeria;
  • To treat listeners as our most important asset and to create awareness and educate them for national development; and
  • The program format of Owelle FM aims to treat listeners as their critical stakeholders. As a result, the programs would be focused on their welfare and encourages people to participate in development activities. Most of its programs would focus on the rural people, national development and, youth empowerment.

The Owelle FM programs would aim to cover the following:- · Information · Interaction · Education · entertainment.

These would be carried out through. · News Bulletins (in Igbo language) · Igbo language Talk Shows · Agricultural Programs · Youth related programs · Entertainment Programs · Children Related Programs  Sports Programs.  Health and Hygiene etc.

Owelle FM has a satellite transmission system that covers a wide area. The current coverage area of the station is the core five states of the South East of Nigeria and some of the adjoining states.



The station functions through several departments and units to meet its day-to-day tasks.  The departments are:- · Engineering/Operations · News and Programs  ·Administration and Finance  · Advertisement/Business Development/Marketing/Sales

Each department has its own responsibilities defined and reports to the Executive Vice President. If one department fails to meet its task, the entire operations of the Station will be affected.

Engineering/Operations Department keeps Station’s equipment updated and uses new and better equipment for easier, cost-effective, and efficient delivery of radio program contents.

News/Programs Department delivers accurate news every day so that people are well informed about the world around them. Programs in Owelle FM are disseminated for the education, information, and entertainment of its listeners. The administration and finance department work on the needs of staff and the payments and expenses.

As business is a critical part of Owelle FM, staff would be encouraged to go out to the market and solicit advertisements to enhance revenue collection to support the Station. As a result, all the departments work in tandem to meet the objectives of providing world-class radio programs to the listeners for their · Education · Awareness · Information · Encouragement · Entertainment, etc



By its program contents, it is clear who the target audiences are.  Owelle FM aims to become the medium of communication for the rural population; who cannot be reached directly by other means of communication. Owelle FM to act as “voice of the voiceless”.

Owelle FM would target rural, illiterate masses to inform and educate them about government activities and plans for their benefit and encourages them to participate.

Overall, our objective is to make Owelle FM the only medium of communication between the rural population and policymakers.  We want to be known as the Voice of the Voiceless. We would take the news, views, and actions of the Government directly to the people and also bring back their opinions and feedback to the government to enable the government to initiate better policies and plans.

To achieve one of our objectives as the Voice of the Voiceless, Owelle FM needs to increase its entertainment-based programs to attract youth listeners and match their desire and get their opinions on development issues.

Current track



owellefm.org © 2019- 2025 Owelle Media Limited